

Personal Relationships

“Ali has simply helped me navigate the most difficult part of my life.She is honest, helpful, sympathetic but also a great coach in that she keeps you focussed and guides you to help yourself with excellent advice with methods specific to you.It feels like you are learning to cope with issues that many people have but in a way that is completely unique to yourself.This gave me comfort that it is possible for me to come through the other end as others have, but also learn skills that I can take forward and use in the future.I have already recommended Ali to a few of my close friends and its hard to think of a situation in which Ali wouldn't be able to offer some help”.

- Football Coach

Work Relationships

“I really valued the time to think that Ali offered me. She asked me great questions that broadened my thought process out from my default internal dialogue.I also enjoyed the level of challenge she gave me, it felt appropriate and comfortable because I trusted the process and Ali.I have made a start to manage my emotions in times of conflict, this will be an on-going process as sometimes it will go against my natural behaviours.Ali  facilitated a discussion around my barriers both psychological and also physically,  identifying feelings and emotions that could be barriers”

- Therapy Lead in Private Practice

Anxiety and overwhelm

“During my first session we went through a mindfulness recording and one of the goals set was to go through this regularly before our next session. I found this alongside the idea of the visualisation of the hand model of the brain to be extremely helpful in making my brain feel less friable, and more settled overall. The key thing I was struggling with was becoming overwhelmed in social situations, and in advance of planned social situations becoming nervous/anxious about these. I felt that having techniques in place for these situations e.g. excusing myself and taking 5 deeps breaths, to be extremely valuable in managing symptoms of anxiety when they have developed”

- Medical Doctor  

Life Skills 

“Struggling to cope with a busy and high demand job, a large family and an over thinking mind, I was looking for some solution-based help to manage stress and anxiety. I was referred to Ali via an organisation called Project 5 for NHS staff. Although it was a virtual appointment, I felt an almost instant bond with Ali. She made me feel relaxed and listened to. She got me – within the first hour! Ali opened up new insights into myself and my behaviours – which I had previously been unaware. This new understanding has helped me to be better work colleague, wife and mother – and most of all, a better friend to myself! Over the weeks, Ali gave me many ‘tools in the box’ to deal with my every day. I use them – every day. Ali has helped me take a step back, realise my own limitations and enable me to relax and enjoy my life again” 

- Senior Nurse Practioner


 It was just precious, and gently together we chipped through the seeming rocklike wall I felt engulfed by in the days or weeks ahead. That sense of not dwelling on the one bad thing but remembering the 364 other good things has gone on with me like a snowball waltz breaking through negative things that would otherwise have built up but don’t do it any longer

- Elder gentle-woman

Work Relationships

“I have really appreciated having a space where I feel listened to and understood and had things seen from the perspective of my personal situation.  I have been able to explore what my values are and how these translate into the way I function at work and other situations. Even when I am flagging and struggling to believe that I can effect the changes that would improve my experience at work and confidence in myself, you have encouraged and supported me and made me feel like it is possible.”

- Psychiatric Consultant in Neonatal Care